Lympstone Common
A morning visit near the top of Bystock reserve produced a few Yellowhammer but little more. Near Yettington I spotted a few Barn Swallow resting on a wire.
Barn Swallows |
Woodbury Common
A before work visit. I’m not going to give exact location details but I parked at the model aircraft car park. A Spotted Flycatcher and a daytime churring European Nightjar were the best on offer and both within a few meters of each other. I had another look after work and had the European Nightjar churring again but no sign of the Spotted Flycatcher. Both trips produced a Eurasian Jay, a few Common Linnet, Coal Tit, European Greenfinch and Eurasian Goldfinch.
Uphams Plantation, Yettington, Devon
After visiting Woodbury Common after work I popped here for a quick look. Lots of Brimstone on the wing and a Eurasian Hobby came through at speed but rather quiet otherwise.
Scarlet Pimpernel |
Woodbury Common, Devon
An evening walk from the model aircraft car park. Again European Nightjar churring and also a Garden Warbler. Also a Willow Warbler (well that was what call it was kind of giving) with black legs.
Willow Warbler with black legs |
Undisclosed site, near Exmouth, Devon
A good evening with at least 6 European Nightjar. Churring, calling and wing clapping.