Blackhills Quarry, Exmouth, Devon
After reading on Devon Birds that the Pallid Harrier had been seen in the area, I thought I would look in to it. I checked out the Facebook page mentioned but have to admit I was dubious as to whether the ID was correct. However I decided to give it the benefit of the doubt and thought it worthy of checking out. I checked out the area around the pond for around 45 minutes this morning before work. The first bird I noted was a Common Sandpiper that was quickly followed by a Northern Wheatear. There were good number of Meadow Pipit (potential Harrier food), On the pond were 3 Little Grebe and a single female Tufted Duck. No sign of the reported Pallid Harrier but I did have an unusual sighting with a flyover White-bellied Dipper!
I gave it another go for an hour after work I saw more Meadow Pipit, the Tufted Duck count went up to 4 birds and Canada Goose were added to the Wildfowl species. Several Common Moorhen were feeding in amongst a group of European Herring Gull and a Great Cormorant that were resting on the shore. A few mobile Common Linnet were around as were a party of European Stonechat. The best bird however was a rather pale looking bird that was rather distant that I believe was a young Whinchat but my photo doesn’t do it justice. Again no sign of a Pallid Harrier.
Common Sandpiper |
Northern Wheatear |
Little Grebe |
Whinchat (Juvenile) |
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