Western Cattle Egret

Quay, Exmouth, Devon
An early morning look from the Quay in hope of the Bonaparte’s Gull proved fruitless but there were 2 Ruddy Turnstone scuttling around the edges near the dock and 1 Common Eider off the Warren.

Imperial ground, Exmouth 
I decided to move on to the Imperial ground area where on arrival there were good numbers of Gulls on the grass area. Many Black-headed Gulls and European Herring Gulls plus 4 Mew Gull but no Bonaparte’s Gull. The Brant Geese were in close by the seems grass area (car park) so viewed them from the car. Also there were a few Dunlin and Red-breasted Merganser. I then noticed a Little Egret and was watching that and noticed a smaller bird tucked away in the sea grass. The bird finally lifted its head to reveal a Western Cattle Egret! I watched it for a moment before deciding to take a photo. I have to take my photos via my iPhone through my scope. As I got out (slowly) to get my scope from the boot, the bird flew. I tracked it as it headed for the rugby ground. As it flew I was able to see the bird better and got all the features for the ID. I went to have a look at the rugby pitch but no joy. 

Quay, Shelley Beach and Imperial Ground, Exmouth, Devon 
After work I went back for another look for both the Western Cattle Egret and Bonaparte’s Gull at the Quay, Shelley Beach and Imperial Ground after work, with no success. There was however a Common Loon and Common Eider from the Quay.

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