Elberry Cove,
Me and my mate Pete had planned to do a trip to Slimbridge today but I woke up feeling rather crappy to say the least. I monged out on the sofa for the morning and finally felt ok to pop out. There’s only so much daytime television anyone can take! So I thought “I haven’t seen Red-necked Grebe this year” so I set off to see if the one in Elberry Cove would play ball. The weather conditions were against me as I battled to view into strong winds. There was no sign of the bird but a very friendly European Robin kept me company. It was feeding between my feet and I swear that if I had food on me, it would have feed from my hand. Sadly on the beach was a washed up dead Harbour Porpoise that the Carrion Crow were eyeing up.
Harbour Potpoise |
European Robin |
European Robin |
European Robin |
Brixham Harbour,
As the wind was fierce and the sea very choppy. I decided the harbour would be a good place for things to use as a shelter. I wasn’t wrong as no sooner as I had arrived, I got on to an outrageously close Common Loon. The bird showed amazingly all the time I was there. It fed, cleaned itself and even had a nap. The Ruddy Turnstone were as friendly as ever. Also in the harbour near the breakwater was a Grey Seal.
Common Loon |
Common Loon |
Common Loon |
Ruddy Turnstone |
Grey Seal |
Orcombe Point,
Matt Knott has informed me of a Short-eared Owl on Orcombe this morning so I headed off in hope. This is another species I seem to unable to connect with this year and today’s jaunt didn’t put that right.
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